Thursday 16 February 2012

Mackeson Stout

2.8% Abv

First off, this was not my Valentine gift from the husband....... he is not that daft.

Back last year I tried Left Hand's Milk Stout and commented that I quite liked the style of stout, sweeter than normal due to the milk sugars but not too sweet. I also mentioned it was a shame that I couldn't see any more beers like this over here, RedNev pointed out that Mackesons was indeed a milk stout.

According to RateBeer reviewers this used to be higher abv of 3.0% but I am guessing that due to the tax changes that InBev decided to cut the abv to take advantage. I admit I wasn't too keen to try this beer until I read the reviews on RateBeer as I was worried this would be a Guinness type affair. I was reassured by the reviews that it actually isn't a bad stout so.. cracking open the can.

It pours very lively into the glass, very dark drop with red flashes when held to the light with a thick creamy tan head. Smells roasty with metallic hint, probably due to the can, I prefer bottle for most drinks as I do find the metal from the can does pass on to the smell of the contents. Despite its low abv, this stout has a nice mouth feel and robust malty hit. It isn't as sweet as Left Hand's version though, although Left Hand's beer is over double the abv at 6% so I'm guessing this is lacking the alcohol sweetness.

I'm not convinced this is a stout, more a mild, it doesn't have the big hits that a stout or porter have, no coffee, chocolate but a roasty, malty and a very gentle tabaccoy flavour. It is very gassy though and it is the carbonation which probably makes it feel fuller in the mouth.

All in all quite a nice beer.

If I was given this beer in a round at the pub then I really wouldn't feel cheated, it is a nice stouty tasting beer. The only downside is the finish doesn't last particularly long but again not a major problem.


  1. To get the full effect of a milk stout you need to drink it with curlers in your hair, covered by a hair net, gossiping about Mavis at number 36 and that lodger of hers.

    Think Les Dawson or 1950's Corrie.

  2. My hair is too short for curlers, sadly.... :)

  3. Coronation Street was first broadcast in 1960.
