Thursday 12 June 2014

Coffee and Beer

Whilst I would happily talk about beer brewed with coffee, many of which being some of the best imperial stouts or beers out there, this time it is a different talk or blog. At the moment the easily found beers out there are the hoppy ones, this trend isn't dying off or disappearing. I did find myself at a pop up bar by the Thames wishing for a bitter instead ofthe very similar hoppy choice I had but this is not my point.

The hoppy trend is kind of written about without the consideration that this happens with other areas, one such is coffee. I was shopping yesterday for beans (I have a new grinder so want to use/play with it), but I prefer darker roasts, this sadly cuts Monmouth Coffee out for me at the present as their medium roasts seem more light to me and I'm not alone. London seems to do a lot of light roasts, which in all fairness work well with the milky coffees that are popular, on the odd coffee blog I read this trend for lighter coffees is spreading outside the M25, much to the disgust of northern bloggers and forum commentaters.

I did, thanks to a recommendation online find a shop with a vast selection of coffee, many of the dark or rich roasts available and for a good price. But like finding a good pint of bitter in the hop desert it wasn't easy. In fact I wouldn't have thought about Old Compton Street for coffee without the heads up. So it isn't just beer but I will give you the hop trend is still strong unlike many trends!

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