Wednesday 2 January 2013

Happy New Year!

Another year gone and departed.

As many of you know there is a campaign for a dry January running at the moment but personally I won't be following it. Drinking will continue in the Meer household, it would have been a better idea to promote sensible drinking rather than not drinking at all but this is something run by a biased group so...

I was quiet in December not due to running amock with booze fulled nights and days but with revision for exams then I got two bad colds including whooping cough (which was not fun at all) and a chest infection so blogging took a backseat as did many of my favourite past times but I'm back now albeit with an irritating sore throat but that can't be helped.

Anyways you all with be hearing more from me in the next few weeks as I have notes for reviews plus the odd bit of beery nonsense.

Hope you all had a good year and here's to 2013.


  1. Happy New year to you, Meer; hope you feel better soon.

    As you'd expect, I too have had a bit of a rant about Dry January. The arrogance of these self-appointed guardians of our morals (because it's about that as much as about health) is quite irritating.

  2. Happy New year, treacle, to you and yours. Make it a good one.
