Saturday 8 September 2012

More a Tit than a Hawk

Picture a city arranging an heritage week, knowing that it has a rich history from saxon and roman onwards. It prints a brochure for the week with locations and a bit of blurb.

One of these locations suddenly shuts with no warning for restoration, despite the fact they would have been very aware of this heritage week. How I know as a tourist this is the case is every local I have met in a pub has been complaining about this unannounced closure.

Now ok, this brewery do fantastic restorations of their pubs and should be congratulated for their work but timing here is wrong. For a short restoration to be done now.......that is poor form.

The pub is The Falcon and owned by Sam Smiths.....


  1. Sam's are a law unto themselves, as I'm sure you well know. But still have some great pubs where the traditional pub atmosphere is much in evidence...

  2. Indeed, london has some great ones and the Boot Inn here in Chester is great and friendly too. But when I saw the notice in the window and then realised why locals were at odds I commented to the other half that the pub probably had been humphreyed!
