Wednesday 25 April 2012

Diamond Jubilee Beers

Brewers love these special occasions to come up with new beers or to dust off old traditional recipes.

Yesterday I saw in M&S their beer for the Jubilee which I will be popping along to get at most stage, however I have decided against looking online for other beers. This special occasion I will be looking in the shops and not worrying about the ones that got away from me that I have found online.

Any folks out there with a Jubilee beer already in their cupboards?


  1. Gawd bless 'er, she does a grand job. Long live Queen Liz!

    I shall be drinking Carlsberg because that is of royal appointment and therefore posher.

  2. Well it has a royal warrent I'll give you that one but posher? Not so sure.

  3. It'd need a search warrant - to try to find some flavour in it.

  4. Drinking Marston's Pedigree Pale Ale in it's retro 60th anniversary labelled bottle
